7 Reasons to do Breath Meditation

Meditate for better feelings and less stress:

  1. They have scientifically proven that people who meditate have more serotonin in their brain. ­ In other words: they are happier!
  1. Every absorption in meditation = a reduction in accumulated stress (mental, emotional, physical).
  1. Less accumulated stress = LESS irritability, anger, criticism, cynicism, jealousy, fear, frustration, anxiety, depression, fatigue, paranoia, low self-esteem, low self-worth, confusion, seriousness, and a bunch of negative minds and feelings.
  1. Less accumulated stress = MORE health, wellness, acceptance, love, compassion, forgiveness, clarity, openness, happiness, creativity, playfulness, laughter, self-esteem, self-worth, and a bunch of other positive minds and feelings!
  1. Absorption in meditation helps the meditation to be more pleasant.
  1. More absorption = a greater reduction in accumulated stress from one’s mind and body.
  1. More absorption = more pleasant the feelings ­– even joyful!

The seven reasons are a few of the main benefits of the formal meditation part of mindfulness. Other, informal practices, can help you manage the day-­to-­day stresses more effectively.

Mindfulness studies have been going on for decades, with results showing it can help with anxiety and depression. A big part of that progress comes from meditating on the breath.

“By meditating, you can become happier, you can concentrate more effectively and you can change your brain in ways that support that.”

~ Dr Richard Davidson, 

who has done scientific studies on the effects of meditation

Keep with the (formal) breath meditation practice, and you will reap the rewards all the meditation books tell you about.

  • About the Author

    Colin (Q.C. Ellis) has been on meditation retreats in silence and solitude for longer than some monks. He has been studying meditation for over 23 years.

    Known as a meditation maverick, he teaches methods to awaken your body’s natural restorative abilities and fire up your inbuilt happiness.

    Keeping it real and grounded in personal experience, he is a Transformation Coach, and founder of IntrAnaut™ Academy.

    In person, Colin is approachable and would love to hear from you. For ways to connect, click HERE – ColinEllis.info

    For additional resources, download his FREE mobile app – MeditationWellbeing.app